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Member: emerald
Located: LincolnGB
Age: 32
Birthday: May 22.

Likes: travelling, polaroids, books, challenges, cups of tea, crafts, fluffy socks, post-it notes, being ginger, big ideas

About Me:
I work for the NHS, I drink about 15 cups of tea a day whilst answering phones and paying doctors and nurses. I have a DDD National Diploma in Photography. I loved college, I love work, I hate the idea of uni so I didn't go this year. Kind of lost interest in things for a while, but its sites like this that get rid of fear of art and just inspire you to get out and do something.

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emerald (Lincoln, GB)Member since (2010-09-27) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (938/2,692) News Posts (0) Uploads (17)