

DustinNguyen   0/ 0

Member: DustinNguyen
Located: MinneapolisUS
Age: 30
Birthday: Sep 13.

Likes: music, film, movies, people watching, facebook lurking

About Me:
-I'm a high school student in Minnesota. I could write stuff in here that'd make me sound interesting but to be perfectly honest, I don't really do anything other than lurking people on Facebook.
-My dream job would be to sit around, do nothing, and get paid for it.
-I kind of want to go to an art school for college but I'm still a little afraid my art is mediocre compared to others.
-Also my teenage hormones are bouncing off the walls.

It was nice to meet you :)

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DustinNguyen (Minneapolis, US)Member since (2010-12-23) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (991/472) News Posts (0) Uploads (3)