

marshed   0/ 0

Member: marshed
Located: YakimaUS
Age: 47
Birthday: Jun 01.

Likes: japan, macro, fuzzy focus, good food, rock, t-shirts, signs, things that glow, black things

About Me:
I live in the rainshadow of the Cascade mountains in Washington State. This is where your apples probably come from, as well as 52% of the hops used to brew your Busch Light. There is very little to see here, except for the Columbia river, which is large and nice. I work inside, without windows. I guess that's why I like taking photos of things.

1 (Entries)
marshed (Yakima, US)Member since (2006-08-11) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,405/2,852) News Posts (1) Uploads (8)