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Member: Pola1105
Located: SherbrookeCA
Age: 56
Birthday: Dec 10.
Email: info@irreductible-polagra..

Likes: polaroid

About Me:
Now it's up to you to take a break, look, contemplate.
The timeless, the imperfections, the unknown, the letting go, the chemical effects are all phenomena that attract the artist to this medium that is the Polaroid. "From the moment I take a Polaroid photo, I lose control over the result. I use the Polaroid film as a great living material.

For several years, the artist explores and tames this medium whose uniqueness clichés takes images to a particular aspect. But his curiosity drives him to other horizons. He discovers the richness and variety of emulsion transfers and uses Arche paper as the first medium for his fine photosensitive films.

This technique, which requires skill, delicacy and perseverance, changes its perception in the transfer process. The film contracts, tangles, curls up ... Besides the influence of temperature, texture, light, chemistry and manipulation, the artist finds his technique by cherishing his errors and imperfections. He lets them participate in the process of creating the work to make it a unique piece, beyond the imaginable. The creation is born of itself in resonance with the artist.

"I try to intervene as little as possible to preserve the organic side that emerges from the present moment. Each work has its own story and takes us to another dimension. "

The Irreducible Polagraphe, in this singular way, continues his research and today explores new supports and new techniques such as bleaching of negative Polaroid. This technique involves bleaching the negative layer with a bleach.

There is no paradox, however, in this interpretation: the photographer's exposure time, to grasp his object, and time; of pose, necessary to the visual artist, both open the doors of another time, of another world, that of the poetry or the artistic creation. The latter requires, a tear to the conventional perception of life, clichés that also requires a real metamorphosis of the senses of the eye and the imaginary.

It is at this other time, that of the aesthetic perception, that I invite you. My gaze, reflected in the object, encloses the object in a frame sharpened by the imagination, according to an unusual angle, at the moment. From this comes the creative force, for our imagination, of certain images in which the surreal is sometimes exposed.

From then on, after this encounter with the aesthetic object, nothing will be more like before, metamorphosis of reality, transforming the perception that we will have of the world.

Take the time to pause, an invitation to find or discover. Thanks to the art of the Polaroid, instead of seeing one world, ours, we see another world.
Jean Beaudoin

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Jean Beaudoin

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Pola1105 (Sherbrooke, CA)Member since (2013-12-01) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,098/6,711) News Posts (0) Uploads (36)