

..befriended by 1 noidies
clairefey   0/ 0

Member: clairefey
Located: SeattleUS
Age: 24
Birthday: Jan 01.

Likes: photography, expired film, fanfiction, mark jefferson

About Me:
Lonely gay woman who uses photography to ward off depression, one shot at a time. Came to polaroid for the memories, stayed for the art. That is, if you're brave enough to call what I do art.

They make me smile when I look at them. I think that's what matters.

Copyright note:

Name is a psuedonym, but please attribute as Claire Fey. I'm pretty lax overall. If you like want one of my photos and want to use in a way that's not allowed by CC Attrib + Noncom, just get in touch and I'll probably be fine with it, no royalties or stuff like that, as long as you're not a faceless corpo.

I'm also part of the 20 year copyright pledge, which means that for any works of mine first published 20 years ago, I give full rights to anyone who's also taken an equivalent pledge.

Nice URL's:

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clairefey (Seattle, US)Member since (2022-07-15) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (221/1,602) News Posts (0) Uploads (11)