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Member: Pola_Me
Located: LjungkileSE
Age: 52
Birthday: Mar 27.

Likes: i like to like!

About Me:
Freelancing designer.

Former Steidl employee. Now working with retouch, layouts, photography in the west-coast of Sweden.

At Steidl there was photo books, Art Books, Catalogues or novels. With or without the Museum, with or without the artist, big or small, limited or not and cheep or expensive. In the end of the year it ends up around 300 productions that past out through the open door.

Nice URL's:
Jonas Wettre Retouch
Wettre förlag
Steidl Verlag

65 (Entries)
Pola_Me (Ljungkile, SE)Member since (2006-09-08) Awards (3) Visitors/PixViews (6,448/114,865) News Posts (65) Uploads (383)