

..befriended by 1 noidies
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Member: av
Located: Des MoinesUS
Age: 41
Birthday: Aug 15.

Likes: sky, ocean, clouds, jesus, sunshine, god, moonlight, summer dawns, christ, hope

About Me:
I am a Christian, I like Photography, Poetry, Most forms of Digital art.

What Christ has done for you,

It is by the mere fact that we are unholy that condemns mankind,
to re-find, and reunite our eternal souls to God,
He sent His Son, and Has allowed all those who believe in truth, to become His Children and begin anew. For now & Eternity.

And this is only possible through who Christ is,what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do.

Nice URL's:
My other art works

1 (Entries)
av (Des Moines, US)Member since (2006-11-17) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,842/12,850) News Posts (1) Uploads (74)