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Member: girl.x
Located: ChicagoUS

Likes: music, design, colour, polaroid film

About Me:
i am in love with design.
i am in love with photography.
i go everywhere with my camera(s).
i wouldn't go anywhere without my music.
i could happily survive off of cereal and milk.

i think there is a tooth fairy.
i think that santa claus actually exists.
i think vintage is better.
i think secret handshakes are cool.
i think vinyl is better than digital.
i think my dog can understand every word i say when i talk to her.
i think that the small everyday moments are more incredible than the every once-in-awhile spectacular moments.

i believe that pinky swears still mean something.
i believe in karma.
i believe in the greater good of mankind.
i believe in trying to make a difference.
and i believe that ordinary everyday people can make
extraordinary differences in the world.

all images are copyright protected.

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girl.x (Chicago, US)Member since (2007-01-28) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (5,437/17,142) News Posts (0) Uploads (57)