

..befriended by 1 noidies
takezzo   1/ 1

Member: takezzo
Located: TokyoJP
Age: 58
Birthday: Jul 06.

Likes: lomography, holga, radiohead, klimt, lc-a, slr680, bjork, boards of canada, wkw, kieslowski

About Me:
one sunny morning on a winter day, i was on my way to my friends' apartment and found a couple of homeless people selling their stuff on the street.

and there it was... there was this shiny black camera sitting among the almost useless things like a broken nintendo, dirty photo frames, worn out shoes, porn beta tapes...

i asked the guy how much he wanted to ask for it. he said "well, i don't know nothing 'bout this thing. i'm not sure if it works or not... but you can have it for 200 yen (about US$2)."

that's how i got my beloved 680. it's been sitting on my book shelf for years, but i started using it in 2004 after i restored its outer leather.

Nice URL's:
my lomo home

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takezzo (Tokyo, JP)Member since (2007-02-05) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,093/7,587) News Posts (0) Uploads (28)