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Member: midmophil
Located: Saint JosephUS
Age: 78
Birthday: Jan 28.

Likes: music, photography, traveling, camping, my family, wood carving, view master viewers and reels

About Me:
I am a retired High School Band Director with too many cameras. I have recently disposed of many of the cameras in my collection, with the exception of a couple of the Polaroid cameras. My son and his wife gave me a Snap Touch camera that uses Zink film and I am going to start taking some pictures with it. I was recently gifted with some money so I may actually break down and get some Polaroid Original 600 film and crack out my Polaroid One600 camera.

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midmophil (Saint Joseph, US)Member since (2007-02-24) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (2,966/13,739) News Posts (0) Uploads (83)