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Member: scottjamesprebble
Located: BallaratAU
Age: 51
Birthday: Dec 06.

Likes: music, film, fine art photography

About Me:
Scott James Prebble is a world respected, exhibited and published photographer. His work has been featured in many local galleries, as well as overseas in The International Festival of Erotic Arts in Montreal Canada and as part of an exhibition called ‘Amazon: The Strength in Women” in Bondeno Italy.

Scott’s images have appeared in numerous publications, including two of his own books and a calendar. He has recently been featured in UK magazine Jade with a 7 page spread. He is part of a strong online community of artists, and is featured on many websites. His own extensive website has had incredible success, and he has a strong international following on Deviant Art www.scottjamesprebble.devi

With a strong mix of urban and rural landscapes, Scott’s images highlight the Ballarat area. His simple use of the female form in these images is unique and beautiful. His work is almost always in black and white, and he shoots on polaroid, film and digital.

Nice URL's:
scott james prebble

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scottjamesprebble (Ballarat, AU)Member since (2007-05-22) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,500/10,720) News Posts (0) Uploads (16)