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Member: vmakris
Located: AthensGR

About Me:
Vassilis Makris portrait
(taken by Evita Machaira, POLAROID SX-70 LAND CAMERA SONAR OneStep, Polaroid 779 instant film + ND filter )

[posted for the "Save Polaroid" Flickr group]

"In this age of digital images, when almost all photographs come into physical existence some time after the “click”, I felt the need to fight back – and so I returned to my Polaroid SX-70.
This wonderfully ugly noisy machine will allow no one to change anything after the “click”!
Instead, a few minutes later (“instant” photography, you see) the photograph you have taken appears before your eyes – and is usually fit only for the rubbish bin.

(And that’s what made me so stubborn.)

The only way to “win” with this camera is to love it. To adore it, even.
That’s when you begin to notice the colours it gives you, colours you’ve never seen before, colours that no PC could ever create.
Because, the simple truth is, Polaroids have feelings.
For so many years now, the SX-70 has been generously sharing its emotions like no other camera.


I believe the demise of Polaroid photography was an essential stage in my development as a photographer, obliging me to use digital cameras."

Vasilis Makris, 28th July 2008

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vmakris (Athens, GR)Member since (2007-07-12) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (2,074/24,101) News Posts (0) Uploads (149)