

..befriended by 7 noidies
kjphoto   1/ 2

Member: kjphoto
Located: LincolnGB
Age: 58
Birthday: Mar 18.

Likes: music, art, film, sport, architecture, red wine, restaurants, more time than is needed

About Me:
I try and find beauty in most things and appreciate what others see in the world we share. I like good times, good food, movie going and art galleries. I love playing racket sports or just being outdoors in the sunshine. I have three Polaroid cameras; a sonar model 2, sonar onestep, but my fave is the model 2 in white (manual, of course). I have tonnes of other cameras, but nothing comes close to the ‘instant-ness’ of a pola.

1 (Entries)
kjphoto (Lincoln, GB)Member since (2007-08-15) Awards (1) Visitors/PixViews (3,856/32,750) News Posts (1) Uploads (112)