

..befriended by 1 noidies
marcelles   1/ 2

Member: marcelles
Located: Los AngelesUS
Age: 36
Birthday: May 02.
Email: marcelles.murdock@gmail.c..

Likes: photography, chocolate, pavement, ice cream, clouds, roadtrips, the ocean, bicycles, kites, white russians

About Me:
I am 21 and for the most part my life revolves around photography. I just graduated from college and I am now trying to sort out life. My heart is in the darkroom but instant photography is a huge passion of mine. I have just relocated to downtown LA and I am doing my best to adjust to my new environment.

Nice URL's:
passive aggressive
deal breaker

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marcelles (Los Angeles, US)Member since (2007-12-03) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (2,015/10,078) News Posts (0) Uploads (68)