

23miles_away   1/ 5

Member: 23miles_away
Located: OrlandoUS
Age: 36
Birthday: Jun 08.

Likes: polaroids, drawing, photography & lomography, holga, sunrise, photo, fruit, painting, spontaneity, sunset

About Me:
I'm that stereotypical male that everyone knows that is constantly vying to find something unique about himself. I doubt myself on everything I say and do and can never possibly come to a definitive conclusion. I love to dream of surreal scenes and will eventually live in the surreal.

I go to UCF and I am an advertising major. I have a flare for fashion and a drive for modeling.

Nice URL's:
A Softer World

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23miles_away (Orlando, US)Member since (2007-12-06) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,694/5,840) News Posts (0) Uploads (18)