

GYNeric   1/ 1

Member: GYNeric
Located: LondonGB
Age: 39
Birthday: Aug 25.

Likes: laughing, eating, photographs, screaming, bags, jewellery, natalie portman, dymo, silk scarves

About Me:
I'm a big bunch of contradictions
emotional tom boy
religious scientist
Geeky artist
Black essex girl!

I love not living up to my stereotypes and breathing in all the world around me. Through art, words actions and PHOTOGRAPHS!!

i could look at photos all day long.

but I'm not too keen on video cameras-I feel like they steal a little of my soul-and can't help laughing hysterically when I see myself on film!
its just weird.

I love long conversations with strangers and seeing the world through so many other peoples eyes.

Nice URL's:
My PetronaBowbells

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GYNeric (London, GB)Member since (2007-12-30) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,400/797) News Posts (0) Uploads (2)