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Member: emma_howard
Located: LondonGB
Age: 37
Birthday: Jul 10.

Likes: paris, writing, boys, vinyl records, getting caught in the rain, bright makeup, vintage markets, train journeys, spontaneous kisses, glastonbury festival

About Me:
i like the noise of my typewritter and only wear high heels.
i have three sugars in my coffee and i always have my toe nails painted.

i would love to live in Paris one day in a flat that looks like its about to fall over... shabby chic, until that day, i fill my rollercoaster days by studying film in a lost world called Lincoln.

my favourite thing about polaroids is that especially if you have a shit camera like me, it makes it look like you grew up in the 50s :) and with marilyn and swing - that cant be all bad

11 (Entries)
emma_howard (London, GB)Member since (2008-01-15) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,670/22,963) News Posts (11) Uploads (176)