San Miguel vs Lucifer
Or how the Archangel St. Michael hurls Lucifer, after rebelling against God, down into the infernal regions making Lucifer the first and only fallen angel: Satan.

Shotdate | -location:
2007 Mar. 03 | Zaragoza (ES)

Camera | Filmtype:
1200 Spectra | Image/Spectra
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"El angel caido" (the fallen angel) »link is the ony statue in the world dedicated to the Devil and it's located at Parque del Retiro in Madrid.

I have been always impressed by its beauty and and its emotional strength and attracted and, in a way, obsessed with it for being so blasphemous and contradicting to have Devil's statue in a traditionally catholic country as Spain.

This statue became one of the main themes of my film "Madrid, Madrid" »link
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Uploaded: Mar. 20, 2007
Views: 591  [99]
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