
My best attempt to re-create this »link photo of Edwin Land. The brightest star in the Polaroid universe. I'm glad Doc is around to continue the dream. Thank you.

I shot the 8x10 using a Burke & James camera and Polaroid 809 film.

(my stock of B/W Polaroid (804) in this format is very low so I decided to use what I have more of. I'm happy to say that for the first shot I got it in one attempt.)

I used a Sinar F2 for the shot you see along with Polaroid type 56 that expired in June of 2004. Took me 5 tries to get one that I was somewhat happy with. I encountered more complications than I anticipated as I had to trip the shutter with my foot and activate the strobes by using a Nikon that was synced with the strobes (with the self timer). Needless to say - timing was an issue. Especially in the darkness of my basement.

I really could've used a helping hand for this shot but I was anxious to do it & decided to give it a go on my own. And once I got started, well... I did my bestest.

The original shot of Land was made at the press conference when he first introduced the Polaroid process to the world. A glorious day.

/Now it's time to think of another star to clone./

QuickEdit - forgot to mention that the 809 was expired in '98. it's been kept at room temperature in a plastic bag since it was opened several years ago. still looking good. i'll post the original of that soon. along with the outtakes of the 56 film.

Shotdate | -location:
2010 Oct. 19 | Roswell GA (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
Sinar 4x5 | 56 (expired)
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Uploaded: Oct. 19, 2010
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