Graflex Test Shot
I arrived home from a week long trip to visit family in Germany to find my Graflex Speed Graphic had been delivered along with my 550 back and my Graflok mount. I spent this morning changing the spring back to the Graflok, popped in an expired cartridge of FP-100c45 and tested to see if there would be any focus issues with the new back, glad to say there are none but i did notice that the leader for the next sheet of film made it's way into the shot. Well, the film is expired and the leaders refuse to pop out after pulling out the neg Slightly annoying but no great loss.

So in a nutshell, it all works! Not the greatest subject matter in the world but who cares haha.

Shotdate | -location:
2009 Dec. 20 | Ogmore Vale (GB)

Camera | Filmtype:
Graflex SpeedGraphic | Fuji FP-100C45 (expired)
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Uploaded: Dec. 20, 2009
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