Me, As WebMeister

QuickEdited on 20/OCT/2010 -

Typically I like to make new photos to fit new projects. But sometimes there are old ones that just fit. So... With the blessing of WebMeister »link I'm adding this to the current project. He Is the Biggest & Bluest Star here after all. And I really don't want to go to the trouble of shaving my head (and face), painting myself Blue & buying European cigarettes just to recreate it. It's already been done.

In addition to that I also want to promote the current project (most excellent it is) - as well as the NOIDERS LINEUP project - which may never end. (My offer still stands regarding the NOIDERS LINEUP - search the news for details.)

It's also a nod to ullo »link for his contribution to ATTACK OF THE STAR CLONES with this »link masterpiece.

Project on Derek.

Shotdate | -location:
2008 Dec. 02 | Roswell GA (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
680 | 600
Related tags:
Part of Projects:

1-Shave head
2-Paint head blue
Copyright info:
Uploaded: Dec. 02, 2008
Views: 3,471  [419]
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