Thomas Jefferson 4
With Polas, I've yet to find a specific camera, style or motif that thrills me enough to stick with it. A glance through my images and one can see that rather quickly. My 'polaswap' effort has gotten me taking a closer look at the styles of so many of you, so much of which I admire and to which I aspire. While it's sexist, trite and impossible to do well without proper lighting, the 'soft porn' genre is one that I've always been far too sheepish and embarassed to attempt - it's just not my thing. That said, with a partner willing to indulge my inner D. Dillenseger, I've given it a shot. LIkely just this once, mind you. Oh . . . I suppose my Lia-inspired Polaswap effort may be considered along these same lines, with the camera turned on myself, but that one is more disturbing than these, by a long shot. Enjoy.

Shotdate | -location:
2006 | San Francisco (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Sonar Autofocus | SX-70
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Two cameras used. An SX-70 Sonar and a SLR 680. The yellow shots are long exposure/no flash wtih the 680, while the warm/blue shots are the SX-70 with long exposure, using a tripod and cabled shutter release (which I lost during the shoot - ugh!). I also shot with a ColorPak2, but those I likely won't upload.
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Uploaded: Dec. 11, 2006
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