the sky is a crown
"My name is Baby Carni Bird,
I'm the only one in the world.
I'm yours.
For I can fly up in the air,
and you can shoot me when you like.
I'm yours"

Le ciel est une cime
d'où sombrent les étoiles
et nous y sommes allés

À travers le pare-brise
j'ai vu fondre les neiges
des plus hauts sommets

Shotdate :
2008 Feb.

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 | SX-70 (expired)
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The right photo wasn't very good by itself (too blurry for it to stand alone), but by a chance dropping of a pile of photos on my bed, I found a composition of these two photos.
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Uploaded: Feb. 24, 2008
Views: 1,114  [216]
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