Cold at Heart
dystophia says:
"I just don't know where she finds these places. Neither how she manages to get that tone on her photos."

In my solitude
you haunt me
With reveries of days gone by
In my solitude you taunt me
With memories that never die
I sit in my chair
Filled with despair
Nobody could be so sad
With gloom ev'rywhere
I sit and I stare
I know that I'll soon go mad
In my solitude
I'm praying
Dear Lord above
Send back my love
I sit in my chair
I'm filled with despair
There's no one could be so sad
With gloom ev'rywhere
I sit and I stare
I know that I'll soon go mad
In my solitude
I'm praying
Dear Lord above
Send back my love

Listen to
Ella Fitzgerald's
version! It is just wonderful.
I hope to sing it one day.


Shotdate | -location:
2005 Dec. | Wien (AT)

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Uploaded: Dec. 25, 2005
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