With Kid Gloves
When I took these two shots on the test film, I did a happy dance around the room. Look at that grain! That texture! And the sharpness! And the contrast! I was so happy to see these two shots, I can hardly describe it.

It all went a bit wrong after that, when I ventured outside and everything went weird, so I was glad I had made these two shots early on, or I might have lost hope or felt like an incompetent idiot.

In a way, it was like learning how to use any other of the more experimental integral films - the TZ or the F2B - or like using a pack of expired film. Or even like learning how to take a good Polaroid fullstop, because I can't claim that even 600 film does exactly what I intend every time. So you make a lot of mistakes at first. Things can look ugly. But if you really want to make it work, then the penny will drop at some point and it will all come together. You've got to feel your way in through the dark and develop an intuitive feel for the material. You've got to stop fighting to achieve a specific effect and let the film work for you. Only then can the magic begin.

That's how it felt for me, anyway.

Shotdate | -location:
2010 Feb. 23 | Muenchen (DE)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Alpha | PX100 FF
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Uploaded: Mar. 19, 2010
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