
After 8 months I proudly upload the result of the SAVEPOLAROID.COM project

This was my impossible project, now its reality.

Bigger version here: »link

1) take 16 close-up photos of a Sx-70 tripod mount + close up lens and flash diffuser boxes
2) prepare the parade with transfers on transparent paper
3) stick the parade on the polaroids
4) open a beer
5) drink it
6) open another one and have fun

what you get is »link


7) send 14/16 polaroids (as postarcs, with no envelope) to 14 polanoiders all over Europe asking them to take a pola holding the one you sent them
8) wait till all the polaroids arrive (with the fear of loosing some)
9) wait for the answers
10) while waiting drink a lot of beers
11) get fat while drinking 8 months of weissebier

Now guess who took part to it.

Thanx to all of you
it was real fun.

Shotdate | -location:
2009 | All over the world (IT)
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Uploaded: Jan. 26, 2009
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