drove alone for a few hours.
(thanks blue car for paying for my toll to get through the baltimore tunnel)...
guarded, so I jump a fence and walk past current patients who questioned who I was. I kept walking with my hood up, looking down at my shoes. Get across the property to the kirkbride, it was staring at me just as much as I was staring at it. an hour later I finally find a way in (thanks to a quick call to a friend in boston). I am crawling through the tunnels underneath the building with a wind up flashlight. Pipes are broken so there is a thick steam everywhere. I'm pretty sure some of the stuff leaking was waste because of the smell. The building also connected to an active building, so I made sure to run fast enough through their storage room to get to the other ward of the hospital. I got lost for a while, but managed to find the stairs that lead me to these green rooms painted with the light of a gold, souless sun.

Shotdate | -location:
2009 Feb. | New Jersey (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Alpha | SX-70 (expired)
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expired 10 years ago.
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Uploaded: Feb. 08, 2009
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