No beauty like decay
I have watched them droop and wither day by day, only to find them growing more beautiful as time passed. I took one last picture before I said goodbye.

Tell me, someone: when a flower dies, what do we put on its grave?

Shotdate | -location:
2006 Apr. 15 | Muenchen (DE)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 | 778 (expired)
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If someone asks you to water their plants while they are away, first let them wither away to a state of Saharan crispiness for a week, then panic and suddenly innundate them with gallons of water and leave them to slowly putrify in a stagnant pool for the next few days in the forlorn hope that they will "perk up". Keep looking at them, watching them suffer and decay as each day passes. Shed a few guilty tears. Take a polaroid of them and wallow in a few moments of poignant melancholy before consoling yourself with a hobnob, custard cream or similar. Only a bloody plant, after all.
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Uploaded: Apr. 19, 2006
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