Gilbert & George
Shotdate | -location:
| Muenchen (DE)
| Filmtype:
| SX-70 Blend
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1) Tear little heads of G&G out of a magazine and stick them in your lunch.
2) Take Pola of the resultant masterpiece.
3) Approach G&G, tell them you have made a lovely sculpture in their honour and politely request them to write something very rude on the Pola - if they don't mind awfully.
4) Ask G&G if they would like another Pola which you have made for them, featuring their little heads merrily poking out of a sausage.
5) When their eyes light up and they gush, "Oh yes please!", infuriate all the other people who are bustling around them by rather grandly taking the pen off them and preparing to autograph your work for them.
6) Take a long time to ponder which of your many ridiculous pseudonyms to use.
7) Give up.
8) Just draw a dainty little ejaculating cock and balls on the bottom instead.
9) Watch them smile.
10) Melt.
11) Get out of the room FAST, because everyone in there is now out to murder you.