
This is a copy of a faded 4x6 print that I took while in NYC for the Statue of Liberty Centennial celebration in 1986. Polaroid unveiled the Spectra camera around that time and had this giant replica at the base of the WTC. You got to go inside and be dazzled by the inner workings of their new masterpiece. Normally I would not post a copy shot like this but since I only took one SX-70 camera with me on the trip and proceeded to drop in on day one...well, this'll have to do. I didn't want to post the original print so I made the copy with 600 film in a 690 slr. I thought some of you would like to see this relic. I'm sure it's history now.


For Polaroid Is Our Passion.

This was one of the last passionate projects that Edwin Land had anything to do with while heading the former Polaroid Corp. It was all downhill from there.

Shotdate :
1986 July 27
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Build it and they will come.
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Uploaded: June 26, 2007
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