NYCPP: New York City Polaroid Project
daShank says:
NYCPP : New York City Polaroid Project

This project began Spring 2003. At the time, I had just graduated from Kent State University and was ready for a new adventure.

So I moved to NYC with my newly acquired diploma and my parents Polaroid camera. During the week, I worked as a web designer. But on the weekends, I hit the streets of NYC with my Polaroid and curiosity. To me, everything I saw was fresh and new and ready to be photographed.

That was seven years ago.

Recently, I revisited the stacks of Polaroids I took from my time in the city. And as I was flipping through them, I thought it’d be nice to share them again.

So here they are.


You can view all 200 Polaroids from the project at:

Shotdate | -location:
2003 | New York City (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
600 Sun | 600
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Uploaded: Mar. 27, 2010
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