A rainy day in Munich and a houseful of Noiders. What else could we do but step into my magic costume cupboard and depart on an imaginary voyage?

How to explain... This bunch of oddballs is meant to represent the cast of a non-existent TV series. It's all about a cruise ship called the SS Polarity that disappears in the Bermuda Triangle in the 1950s. Back in the real world, time moves on, but on the ship, the motley assortment of characters on board find themselves adrift in a void known as timezerospace. They must somehow learn to survive with finite and ever-dwindling resources. Just about everyone seems to be running their own black market.

Luckily, the TV series is quite badly written and somehow, no matter how long the show runs, there always magically seems to be plenty of booze at the bar, cosmetics and hair products in the bathroom.

(If you want to join the cast, then think up a ridiculously rude name and jump aboard.)

P.S. We took turns taking the pictures, so credit also to Dracula and Ullo.

Shotdate | -location:
2011 Aug. | Muenchen (DE)

Camera | Filmtype:
Graflex SpeedGraphic | 100 Sepia Film (expired)
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Note to non-English- speakers: try saying the names of the characters aloud. They all have other meanings...
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Uploaded: Sept. 19, 2011
Views: 993  [151]
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