Balfron Towers
I had a moment of madness earlier in the year, and had a bit of a crisis about my Polaroids - mostly because whenever I exhibit my stuff is so tiny that it takes hundreds to fill a space...

This means that then they are overlooked, as there are hundreds and it's overwhelming. So I tried to think big, and I'm not good at thinking big these days after thinking small for so long... My very own Impossible Project.

After a failed attempt at a huge landscape shot on PX680, and tearing my hair out over it, I settled on trying to incorporate many of the things my photography is about into one piece.

I had a deadline- July 7th, when I had an exhibition scheduled.

So this was's an A1 sized Polaroid emulsion lift montage/collage/mosa ic, or whatever you want to call it!

Balfron Tower is a thing of beauty to me, though many would beg to differ. It was a rehearsal building for Goldfinger's Trellick Tower in North knesington. This monolithic structure was built in the 1960s and is now a listed building.

We drive past it often when heading to Emma's family. i always wonder what life must be like in one of London's few true high rise residential buildings, one that now overlooks the Olympic Park.

I am sure the social housing will soon be turfed out, and this building will be reconditioned and sold to bankers at premium prices due to its proximity to Canary Wharf, but until then, it's a housing project. It also plays host to a whole raft of artists, all equally inspired by its brutal elegance.

The rest of the piece was shot in Denmark, Hamburg, Whitehall, Whitstable (Kent), London's South Bank, Wales, Dungeness, London City Airport, the Barbican, and Buckingham Palace... and manybe a few more. It took me a couple of months of shooting and compositing. All I can say is that I'm relieved it's over!

Shotdate | -location:
2011 June | London (GB)

Camera | Filmtype:
180 | 669
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I feel like a heat selecting "country, city, camera, film" as it's about as many film, locations, and camera types as I have! Patience is my tip of the day!
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Uploaded: July 13, 2011
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