Dressed - A Polaroid.
I photographed a nude against a black wall, began carving the ornamental clothing on her body as soon as her faint bodies outline started showing up on the film. (this film takes up to 30 minutes to fully develop)
After I am done carving into the film with a sharp screw/nail. I then stop the developing process at around the ten minute mark total, leaving the Polaroid not fully developed and stuck in its blue and black detailess state, contrasting my sharp ragged and detailed carvings around her soft body.
I also shoot these nudes a touch out of focus to soften them a litle extra then i normally ever would.I figured I would give drawing clothing a try, ive never attempted to draw clothing before and out of the 16 shots I took here is 12 of said Polaroids.
Shotdate | -location:
| Toronto (CA)
| Filmtype:
| PX70
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