Fashion Victim
This was taken for the Shoot Shoreditch day, and our group, Emli's Fromage won funniest photo for this attempt at answering the clue 'fashion victim'.

That is me running down the street naked apart from a bowler and shoes, with Rachel running away from me with my stolen clothes in a suitcase tumbling out.

We won a pretty good prize, and will be shown in the dazed and confused gallery on Old Street. Only bad thing was having this up on screen for an age while all the other shoot shoreditch attendees waited for us to clamber on stage and get our prize- if they didn't know who the naked girl was before, they knew after.

Weirdly though, one guy came up to me afterwards and asked 'how did you cover yourself up?'- i looked at him like he'd fallen from mars and said 'I didn't, I think that was the point'.

Some people.....

Shotdate | -location:
2007 Aug. 25 | London (GB)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Alpha1 | 600
Related tags:
Indecent exposure in public places is often a winner!
Copyright info:
Uploaded: Sept. 10, 2007
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