Indeed, it was saturday, not friday. But 5'Nizza (speaking pjatnica. is russian. means friday. you don't speak russian? me neither. you're afraid of russian? I can't help you) is a band from Ukraine, and they are fucking great. So their songs are being played and sung again and again.
Beāte and Mara singing, Talis on his twelve-string guitar and I don't know the name of the guy on the right, but he had a fucking great voice.

Uh, and btw: Neither Ukrainians nor Latvians are russian. They have their own languages. But you can use russian like english. for communication. that simple.

Shotdate | -location:
2007 Jan. 27 | Riga (LV)

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ProPack | 664 (expired)
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Uploaded: Feb. 18, 2007
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