Sheep well
(or: the missing rabbit)

hello. my name is kanarin, and I am a zebra. I could cry. I don't get it. what is this, easter? rabbits don't have eggs. I mean, they have, but..this crazy little rabbit was following me the whole days, telling me to celebrate and enjoy (you see it at my tail. well, you should have seen. my dad is also crying. read below why). why is it called easter anyway? I don't get it. at least, all I wanted was some chocolate. I saw this sweet sheep then.

(this story is maybe hard to get, as it's a follow-up to "Kanarin's Christmas Encounters" which I sent around for christmas. Half the fun reading now. Remember me to put it up for xmas)

Shotdate | -location:
2007 Apr. 09 | Hamburg (DE)

Camera | Filmtype:
Littman 45 single | 59 (expired)
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hello. my name is gerald and I am a polanerd.

only continue reading if you are too...

I'd say i totally went over the edge. I just wanted some choco, and couldn't wait for it to arrive. but it's easter, so what else could you do, or could you want than - chocolate? so i did it on my own. bigger is better anyway, haha.
so, basically, you mix a pola bw positiv with a pola colornegativ. quiet easy with sheetfilm i thought. And perfect, cause I have some dried out bw,so I don't have to waste 2 sheets for one. I thought. ha.
1. my darkbag, which was nearly big enough for 16mm in old days, was not big enough for 4x5. that's were the strikes come from. and the fingerprints. no chance not to touch the negative with your sweating hands.
2. the result was more green-brown 3D. funny. but not really what I wanted.
3. tried a reverse choco with a good bw neg, just out of curiousity: nothing. neg was exposed correct (exp. on the neg!), but pos was white. Hm.
4. Then I got it - you need the chemistry of the bw. bad thing is - it's stuck to the neg.! which has to be the color one. ok, spending already the whole day with it (mixing up the sheets and sides in the darkbag, so the liquids of the chemistry squeezed everywhere, blabla), I ripped off the chemistry from the bw and glued it to the color. all in the darkbag.
5. Murphy entered my kitchen. till now, all sheets went well through the rollers. Even the reversereverse (can you still follow me?) I did with the glued chemistry. So, the final one, where I knew, now all is perfect - the papersleeve did not get of the neg.
6. so again, I taped it to the holder (all in the dark again) cause I did not have the time anymore to make another one. got dark, and I have no lighting for close-ups. Already was darker than before. Great. Long exposure correction? no datasheet, haha. so I guessed.
HOORAY! It worked. Though the neg did not align.. though I taped the chemistry not perfect aligned, so it did not spread all over the pos...
I managed to do what I wanted to today - a follow up of kanarin's encounters and a 4x5 chocolate-polaroid. First ever, maybe.

Would I recommend it? No. I messed up my darkbag, my holder, lost about 1kg of weight through sweating and crying. And it's fucking expensive if you are going to buy the films to make it, half of it is waste afterwards.
Just go buy the readymade choco80, made by talented little chinese. oh, scottish. well.
I used the neg of exp. 59 and close-up lenses btw.

I should have played with choco body paint instead.
And I still misss the rabbit.
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Uploaded: Apr. 09, 2007
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