This was pure guesswork. I'm on a continuing quest to eliminate the orange cast from shots using artificial light, thought it'd be worth a go to use Calethia's strobe light, see what happened.

Seeming simple enough, of course it took twice as long as we'd expected, with both of us blind from firing off the strobe dozens of times to get the shot framed right, timed right. For awhile all we could see were afterimages of each other, and we stumbled around the room trying to shake it off.

But it worked! Yeah gods, it worked. So if anybody's got a huge studio light they'd like to part with, feel more than free to drop me a line.


Shotdate | -location:
2007 | Los Angeles (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
SLR 680 SE | 779 (expired)
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Uploaded: June 23, 2007
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