Dying with the light
My sister spent 10 days over in England with my Dad earlier this year. It was a road trip from hell for me, meant to be some kind of bonding exercise I am sure. It consisted of going to weird mounds of earth in the countryside and reliving my father's childhood. I felt like a spare part on Dad and Naia's voyage of discovery. Every time i brought out my camera I seemed to get ushered back in the car, and as soon as I was back in it, Naia would start kicking the back of my seat and reading the Argos catalogue loudly to us all, broadcasting in no subtle tones what she wanted from the Three Kinds and/or Daddy and/or Santa this year. This was a rare moment, when Naia was still, and my camera was out. Despite the fidgeting, as soon as a camera comes out she is remarkably at ease and happy to pose for as long as it takes. I don't think I could handle another road trip with her for another 10 years though...

Shotdate | -location:
2009 Aug. | Wales (GB)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Alpha1 | SX-70 (expired)
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Uploaded: Sept. 17, 2009
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