Year 2038
Grandpa Webbo
Webbo grandson.

Grandson: "hey Grandpa, what was instant photography?"

Grandpa: "uh... those were days, Polaroid was a great company, producing wonderful cameras, films... they were not only selling tech stuff, they were selling fun and joy, I was young, strong and beautiful and... mmhh I'll tell you the rest of the story when you'll be old enough"

Grandson "and then what happened?"

Grandpa: "The dream finished in 2008, I still remember how we were fighting... I was young, strong and beautiful and..."

Grandson: "Ok grandpa, ok..."

Shotdate | -location:
2008 Mar. 06 | All over the world (IT)

Camera | Filmtype:
CU-5 Dental | 669 (expired)
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Uploaded: Mar. 07, 2008
Views: 763  [208]
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