High Fly

I made this photo a long time ago.

I didn't get off the ground, but I was high.

If you've seen it before it's because I'd uploaded it many months ago, then one day decided to "clean up" my archive. In retrospect I should have just left it as it was. There are many images that I now regret deleting. This is one of them. Others will appear from time to time.

I've uploaded it again in order to include it in the ManiPola I project. This is an old one. In the coming days I'll make a new one, as well as collaborative one, for the project.

Shotdate :

Camera | Filmtype:
180 | 107
Related tags:
Part of Projects:


2-Use a disco type strobe light for illumination during a 1 second esposure.

3-The pole for the clothes line caused the vertical line to my left.

4-Never use photoshop.

Copyright info:
Uploaded: Mar. 26, 2008
Views: 1,463  [207]
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