speaking of first shots and I thought it's a bit wierd just to upload a self-portrait for the beginning (but at least!) so here's the first picture i took with a littman 45 single (a 110b converted and modified for 4x5inch).
My lovely friend from copenhagen, who has been for a visit, was so nice to be my model for this shoot. I just can't shoot anything for the very first time. It has to be something special.
[years ago, i even did a whole 16mm movie with a camera i didn't know if it was ok and expired film. worked out nice ;-) haha, we did a movie about the camera itself, explaining it functions. with a lot of mirrors ;-) ]

Shotdate | -location:
2006 Dec. 08 | Hamburg (DE)

Camera | Filmtype:
Littman 45 single | 52 (expired)
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Uploaded: Jan. 09, 2007
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