harlem [GOOD NEWS!! saving polaroid is N
the impossible project
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I have spent every last penny that I get my hands on (including food, haircut, birthday and Chanukkah money etc.) to buy myself Polaroid film of different types for my multiple cameras ever since I heard that the life of instant film was heading for distinction. A love of mine was dying and so was a part of me. My support and usage of instant film will never fade if it will knowingly be produced in the years to come. I will not love it any less. New technology has taken over recent generations and regrettably, old technology is disappearing. Some things, in my opinion should never end or be replaced, such as instant film. The beauty, reality and pure magic that it produces cannot ever and will never be substituted by digital cameras and, even more so, the programs that allow you to turn a digital photo into a polaroid wannabe all within the little glowing box that sits in front of you. The only thing fortunate that has come from the announcement of instant film's death is the people it has brought together and united almost as a family. So many new friends sharing the same passion all across the globe have come together. That is where newer tecnology, the internet, plays its part so well! I am proud to say that I am a part of that community in this big world. We need to spread our love and never let it die! You can make that happen! Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE if we all work hard enough!!

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Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Alpha | 600
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Uploaded: Jan. 22, 2009
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