i-spy : girl on my table
donkey says:
"the involved process is in such contrast to the instantaneous spontanaiety of a polaroid, but it just shows how much you can do with every form of photgraphy; how many variables there are to creat an image. Excellent photo. "

Shotdate | -location:
2006 June 24 | Glasgow (GB)

Camera | Filmtype:
Canon EOS 3000 | Polapan CT (expired)
Related tags:
10 year out of date polapan - i LOVE this stuff - again although rated at 125asa - shot it at 25 and overexposed two stops
washed in distilled water - no drying agent added - scanned in colour mode to bring out the gorgeous green tones
Copyright info:
Uploaded: June 25, 2006
Views: 1,533 
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