Robert Frank
I believe that everyone on this page knows who he is, the master of all masters, a pioneer and a polaroid legend.

Robert Frank is the only photographer I ever wanted to meet since the beginning of my photography interest.

I had just one image left in my EE100 only one polaroid at all, a expired 669. It been in the camera for a couple of days, I waited for this moment, I didn't want to blow the last frame, and I got it, two minutes before he left. This is what I was waiting for!

Robert Frank was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1924 and went to the United States in 1947. He is best known for his seminal book The Americans, first published in 1959, which gave rise to a distinct new art form in the photo-book, and his experimental film Pull My Daisy, made in 1959. His other important projects include the book Black White and Things (1954) the book Lines of My Hand (1972) and the film Cocksucker Blues (1972). Frank’s work has been the subject of major exhibitions around the world and is included in many significant public and private collections. He divides his time between New York City and Nova Scotia, Canada.

Shotdate | -location:
2007 July 19 | Goettingen (DE)

Camera | Filmtype:
EE100 Special | 669 silk (expired)
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Uploaded: July 19, 2007
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