day 16 #98
Squirrels are cannibals!

Squirrels, cute little animals? Forget it! Cruel cannibals, that's what they are!

On one of our walks we discovered the corpse of a squirrel in the middle of the road. From the absence of flies and stench we deducted that it had been very recently ran over. Cute little squirrels surrounded the torn apart corpse. We assumed they were grieving over their lost friend. 'Beautiful nature', we mused and 'Pain is universal.'

Until we discovered that these sweet little animals were not waking their little brother but wolfing him down. They were shovelling in his flesh and were not at all intimidated by our presence.

'Burp', one disgorged, just before he finally ran away and left me with a disillusion and a Polaroid picture as eternal reminder.

Shotdate | -location:
2007 July 18 | Bryce canyon (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 | SX-70 (expired)
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Part of Project:
You'll be able to view from the first row how this pearl of scientific investigation has been executed as soon as I figured out how to load up movies on YouTube.

...multiple hours later:
here it is

(my daughter forces me to credit her for her camera work, so here we go:
Video made by our official Castalpa US road Trip 2007 movie director: Sofie DS.)
Copyright info:
Uploaded: Oct. 21, 2007
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