I had this view daily for seven weeks. but only on my last days, I realized what i saw. years ago, at one of my first stays in Rīga, we went to visit a friend. but the street was closed off. the top floor of this building just exploded. bricks on the street. the driver of a trolleybus decided better to leave the wires and hit a house directly on the right. we were (luckily) just minutes too late. we were able to get in the area (I mean,we had to. we were supposed to meet a friend). quietness. wierd.
there were two stories about it. one, a simple gas explosion. the other, a bomb. it wasn't the only bomb/explosion/fire i experienced there.
that day, i understood the different colour of the wall.
and realized, it got me back right there, living just opposite.
Shotdate | -location:
| Riga (LV)
| Filmtype:
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