Me - Channeling Land

This is the 'picture in the picture' for my ATTACK OF THE STAR CLONES project photo.

I used a Burke & James 8x10 camera with a Turner & Reich triple convertible lens using the 12" configuration (both front & rear elements in place).

You can see the staple holes which held the positive & negative in place for the project photo. Details.

It's amazing to see how much detail there is in this Polaroid but it can only truly be appreciated when you hold it in your hands (or look at the 100% scan). I'm sure it will more or less resemble any other 669ish print on the screen.

I'm looking forward to seeing what TIP will accomplish with their 8x10 efforts.

Shotdate | -location:
2010 Oct. 19 | Roswell GA (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
Burke & James 8x10 | 809 (expired)
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Part of Project:

Film expired in 1998
Copyright info:
Uploaded: Oct. 20, 2010
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