I Dare You to Not Look at Her Lips
She was one of those kids who moved around a lot as a child, her father's job had them bopping from one city to another, until they finally settled down in Northern California. I remember that kind of kid, remember seeing how hard it was for someone to jump into a school where most of the kids had known each other for years, kid who had formed cast-iron cliques and who were suspicious of "new kids".

I remember being a sophmore and the new kid was a nice guy, tall, lanky, more facial hair than anyone else, handlebar-style mustache if i remember correctly. I was hanging with the burnouts back then, and it was only a week or two before they'd kicked this guy as far out of the group as possible, calling him Narc at every opportunity. Of course I joined in.

I remember the redheaded girl who showed up, junior year? sweet girl, nice to everyone she met, attractive in a way that was too threatening to the "elite" girls, and so wasimmediately ostracized.

From what I gathered, Jenn had an easier time of it, ended up both a cheerleader and "on yearbook", where she actually met my other friend Jen.

Jen doesn't remember her too well, says she was nice enough.

Jenn says that Jen and her friends gave her hell, thought she didn't belong "on yearbook". Cheerleaders can't read, let alone write.

Always sucks to be the new kid.

Shotdate | -location:
2006 | Los Angeles (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
SLR 680 | 779
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Uploaded: Dec. 23, 2006
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