She Looks at You, You Have to Look Back
Her two best friends perfectly reflect her two opposing aspects. One enjoys going out, partying, soaking in Hollywood, surrounded by friends. The other finds the best fun in staying in, a few friends at a time. Barbara sits in the middle, able to walk in both spheres of fun. She has huge parties at her house, but it is not uncommon to see her, minutes before the party, wishing no one would show, and it would just be a gathering of a select few.

I used to be able to say the same thing, that I liked going out as much, if not more than, staying in, but the older I get, the more I enjoy staying in, finding enjoyment in my home, with my girlfriend, writing or taking photos.

Bars, never my favorite place, now offer almost no enticements. Movies, whenever described, sound like I would enjoy them much more if I could watch them at home, as opposed to paying too much money to sit with a bunch of loud and rude strangers.

I much prefer to hang out with my friends in small groups than as a massive party. Is this age? Is this the fact that I am in a happy relationship? Is this the fact that I cannot have a significant conversation with someone when there is music blaring, people yelling and screaming laughter?

Shotdate | -location:
2006 | Los Angeles (US)

Camera | Filmtype:
SLR 680 | 779
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Uploaded: Dec. 23, 2006
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